Stefan Rutgers

lic. iur., Attorney at Law, Counsel
Admission Zurich, 1976
Swiss citizen

Areas of expertise

  • Civil Litigation
  • Civil Law
  • Bankruptcy and Insolvency Law
  • Corporate and Commercial Law
  • Labor and Employment Law
  • Landlord and Tenant Law
  • Criminal Law


Florence Mooser

Working languages


Legal education

1972 lic.iur., University of Zurich

Professional career

Since 2021 Counsel at wkf AG in Zurich
2010 - 2020 Senior Associate at WEHINGER KAELIN FERRARI AG in Zurich
1998 - 2009 Associate at Arnold Wehinger Kaelin & Ferrari in Zurich
1991 - 1998 Partner at Dr. Weiss & Rutgers in Zurich
1985 - 1991 Legal counsel at a major international insurance company in Zurich
1981 - 1985 Partner at a law firm in Zurich
1977 - 1981 Legal Counsel at Schweizerischer Kreditanstalt (SKA) in Zurich
1974 - 1976 District Court of Pfäffikon ZH


1976 Member of the Zurich and Swiss Bar Association